Friday, December 28, 2012

where did all my programs go?

Some of you may have noticed that when you log in to your Citrix machine, all of your icons are not automatically appearing.  You actually have to log in a second time in the Citrix plug-in window (pictured below).

If you don't enter your log in info right away, the Citrix plug-in window will disappear.  Not to worry!  If that happens, simply right-click on the Citrix icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Select "Log On" from the menu and enter your username and password when prompted.

All the program icons should now appear.  Notice that the gray Citrix icon is blue.

downloading from NCDigital

While most of the changes on NCDigital Library are intuitive, our patrons have managed to find one that is most certainly NOT.  They have simplified the checkout process, but there's one last step that is easy to overlook.

Once you find a title, click on the "Borrow" button.

Then Click on "Go to Bookshelf".  Here's where it gets confusing...

To actually download the title for my iPod, I have to click "Other format(s)" and choose Adobe ePub, even though I limited my search to only ebooks with that format.  You must select your format (even if it's the only option on the menu) before it will allow you to download.

A window pops up asking you to confirm your format.  Once you choose confirm, you will then be able to download to your device.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

opening attachments in Webmail

It looks like a recent Windows Security Update has created extra security, which causes problems when trying to open attachments in your e-mail.  Here is the best way to allow attachments to save in the proper format with Web Outlook.  This is a one time setting change according to Thomas R:
In your internet browser, get to your Webmail login page.   In the top, righthand corner of the screen, click on Tools > Internet Options > Security.  Click "Trusted Sites" and then on the "Sites" button (circled in red above).

The Webmail sign in address should appear.  Click "Add" to add this site to the list of trusted sites. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

chrome plug-in update from IT

I spoke with Thomas R. and he said that IT will not be able to install the "chrome plug-in" that is needed to make NC Digital Library function properly while using the Internet Explorer browser. 

So for now, please use Mozilla Firefox to view NC Digital Library.  To get to Firefox, go to the Start menu, then Programs, then Mozilla Firefox.  You can always drag Mozilla Firefox (1) to your quick lanch bar (2), or to your desktop (3) to create shortcuts.

Monday, December 17, 2012

for all the sci-fi lovers

The primary goal of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and the Encyclopedia of Fantasy is to "provide a comprehensive, scholarly, and critical guide to science fiction in all its forms" (About Us).  I recently discovered that these guides are fully searchable and available online for free.  Click the hyperlinks above to search these encyclopedias for info on books, movies, TV shows, and more.

Monday, December 10, 2012

check out what's new with overdrive

There are big changes coming to the NC Digital Library.  Notice how they have already made the interface more intuitive by replacing jargon like "NCDL bookbag" with terms that are a bit more familiar ("bookshelf" and "holds").  There are lots of new features including one-step checkout.  Take a look at this video for a short overview of the changes.  

*Please use Mozilla Firefox (Start > Programs > Mozilla Firefox) when visiting NCDL to avoid "Install Chrome Plug-in" message until IT is able to install this plug-in for Internet Explorer. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

wireless printing

Just a reminder--  Patrons can print from the library's laptops (follow the same steps as printing from computers in the lab).  We are not currently set up to allow wireless printing from personal laptops and devices.

receipt printer troubleshooting guide

***Please note that these instructions have been revised to accommodate the new receipt layout.***


1. Log out of TLC Circulation.
2. Go to the “Start” menu and click on “Settings” and then “Printers and Faxes”.  Make sure that the EPSON receipt printer is listed, hover over it with your mouse, and check to make sure its status is “ready”.  DO NOT set this as default printer or make any changes; just make sure that it’s showing up as one of your available printers.
3. Log in to TLC Circulation again.
4. Click on “Printers” under the “Setup” menu (bottom left corner of window).
5. Under “Installed Printer”, click the down-arrow and choose the EPSON receipt printer from the list (it’s usually toward the bottom).
6. Click check boxes next to each of the Margin settings, and check “Has Automatic Cutter” also.  Click the “Save” button.
7. Under the “Setup” menu, click on “Slips”.
8. Select the drop-down arrow and choose each type of slips you might need to print (Arrived Request, Checkout, Messages, Routing, etc.)
9. You will need to select the EPSON receipt printer under the “Print To” drop-down menu for each type of slip.  Make sure the “Print at This Workstation” box is checked.
10. Click “Save” and test it out by printing a message or checking out a test book to yourself. 

Friday, November 30, 2012

facebook video won't play

I had a patron who was having issues watching videos posted on Facebook.  I found this advice through the Facebook help forums:

Enable secure browsing in the facebook security options or just change http to https on the video page. That fixes it.

We tried it and it worked!

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

the guest pass looks like an ancient scroll...

Sometimes when you print a guest pass you will see a bunch of foreign characters and symbols print out too.  The guest pass number is on there somewhere amid the random characters (I promise).  To make sure it doesn't happen again, you'll need to log out of Citrix (Start >  Log Off [username]) and then log back in. 

file conversion

Ever had someone come in with an ".odt" file and can't open it?  These are files created in OpenOffice, a free program very similar to MS Word.  People who create files in OpenOffice have the option to Save As ".doc" files when they create the file, but many don't realize it and start to panic when the file won't open in MS Word.  Fear not...there is a solution!  I often use a free site called Zamzar to do file conversions.  You browse for the file, choose your conversion file type (.doc), put in a valid e-mail address, and Zamzar will e-mail you a link where you can download the converted file.  This is the fastest method I have found for converting files.

Tuesday, November 20, 2012


I posted this on the general Staff News blog, but I think it's worth mentioning that Goodreads is an excellent reader's advisory tool.  How often do we get patrons who ask us what books they last read and we can't tell them (unless there was a late fee associated with it)?  It's far from perfect when it comes to the read-alike recommendations, but it does add value with customized newsletters featuring your favorite authors (based on your reviews & ratings of read books) AND access to free webinars where you can chat with your favorite authors.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

if your citrix computer freezes up...

If you find that your computer freezes up while you're logged in on Citrix, you can try the second "tip" on this list, or you can...

Right-click on the blue Citrix icon in the bottom right corner of your screen.  Select "Application Refresh" at the top of the menu.  You can also try hitting the F5 key.

When all else fails (as it does most often for me), you'll need to call IT and ask them to take you out of Citrix.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

filing for divorce cover sheet

We've had several patrons asking for a "cover sheet" that is not listed in the Filing for Divorce handbook we have at the reference desk.  They are supposed to pick up the cover sheet at the office of the clerk of court, or they can download an interactive PDF (can type directly onto form) from the Gale Legal Forms database - the name of the form is Domestic Civil Action Cover Sheet (NC-CV-750).

news & observer index

The News & Observer Index,1926-1992, is now available online for the public to search and browse.
The N&O Index is an alphabetical list of names and subjects, with references to the newspaper articles in which they occur. It is not a database of articles; rather, it is a guide to help find articles with more information about a particular topic.
Indexes that date from 1978-1981 were published in book form and electronically. Over the next year those entries will likely be included as well.
Search the N&O Index yourself at

Friday, October 26, 2012

powerspeak languages

Did you know that we have access to Powerspeak Languages?  It's not Mango, but it does provide lessons for learning Spanish, French, German, Mandarin, and English (ESL).  We may also subscribe to another online language learning program in the near future, so stay tuned!

PC Res & LPT-One Print ADDED!

Viktoriya has added PC Res and LPT-One Print to both reference desk computers at HQ.  Ref staff will now be able to issue guest passes, make reservations, and release print jobs as needed.  (Can I get an amen?!)

Thursday, October 25, 2012

consumer reports online

We now have a subscription to Consumer Reports Online.  Please see Melody's e-mail or the note at the ref desk for login and password.  We will search for the patron--do not give out the login info.

Consumer Reports Online has a lot of information not found in the magazine--for example, much more detailed information about used cars.  Melody subscribed after trying to help a patron find ratings on baby cribs; no info in print CR, but ratings promised on the website.

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

printing queue at HQ

Thomas Goodman has extended the print queue timeout from 120 to 720 minutes (12 hours) for the public lab computers.  He still recommends that we encourage patrons to go ahead and release jobs if possible.

Viktoriya has added the LPT-One Print Release program to staff computer LB25W132 and LB25W155.  These will be a back-up in case Gardiner’s computer freezes, or if things get busy and ref staff need to jump in to help with releasing print jobs.  I am also trying to get PC Res added.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

picking up a call

If you've tried to pick up a call from another line on the cordless phones recently, you may have noticed it beeps and hisses "Not Allowed".  There is a work-around...  When trying to pick up another line, you must dial:
  • Pound (#) four (4)
  • Extension you're trying to pick up (e.g., 8243 or 8244)
This is cumbersome, but at least it works.  Of course, it's probably easier to get up and physically answer the other line, but that's beside the point.

Thursday, October 11, 2012

AccessScience online

AccessScience from McGraw-Hill provides students with an up-to-date, easy-to-use gateway to scientific knowledge.  You can access this online resource by clicking on the "Find it Online" link or under "Online Tools" on the homepage.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

hunger games programs 10/07 - 10/13

The end is in sight!  The following are the final Hunger Games programs (library events are in bold)...

10/09 | 6:30 pm, Movie Night @ HQ, I am Legend (PG13)
10/13 | 10:00 am, Final Event & Challenge @ Cabarrus Arena

The Final Event & Challenge will include a relay race (for all ages), an awards ceremony for contest participants, a special "reaping" for prizes, and we'll be showing The Hunger Games on the big screen.

Please help spread the word!

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

halloween challenge

I'm throwing out a plea for everyone to dress up for Halloween this year.  What do you think about dressing up as a literary character, a famous person, or a favorite TV/movie character?  We could wear "Guess Who" badges and give out candy to winning guesses.  We could also take that opportunity to tell people about the book/movie in our collection that inspired our costume.  What are your thoughts?
Book & Movie Costume Ideas 
  • The Princess Bride characters
  • Paddington Bear
  • Anne of Green Gables
  • The Paper Bag Princess
  • Dr. Suess characters like Blue Fish, Gertrude McFuzz, Horton, the Grinch, etc.
  • Curious George
  • Madeline
  • Angelica Mouse
  • Where’s Waldo
  • Sherlock Holmes characters
  • Man in the Yellow Hat
  • Nancy Drew
  • Huckleberry Finn / Tom Sawyer
  • Captain Underpants
  • Ramona Quimby
  • Wizard of Oz characters
  • Amelia Bedelia
  • Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • Harry Potter characters
  • Pippi Longstocking
  • Mary Poppins characters
  • Marie Antoinette
  • Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book characters
  • Hobbit book characters
  • Hunger Games characters (if you're not already sick to death of it)
Or you could get really creative and dress up as your favorite book cover…

A team who plays together stays together...

straight from the TAP

You may have seen flyers posted in the bathrooms of RPL called straight from the TAP.  These are part of a new marketing strategy inspired by this book.  In all seriousness, the bathroom is the one place we are all guaranteed to visit multiple times a day, so why not use it to our advantage?  If you think of things you'd like to include in straight from the TAP, please e-mail/call/tell April.

Monday, October 1, 2012

interactive material request form

Our material request form has been updated to reflect the new policy change (free if requested within past 6 months instead of 3; etc.).  It is an interactive form, which means you can type directly into the form and print a copy.  The form is saved on common under N:\Interlibrary Loan\Material Request for Ref Desk

october computer classes

Introduction to E-Mail

Mon., Oct. 15th, 7-8:30 pm @ South
Tues., Oct. 16th, 1-2:30 pm @ East Branch (registration required)
Thurs., Oct. 18th, 9:30-11 am @ HQ

Friday, September 28, 2012

fire/evacuation drill procedures


  1. Clear second floor of all people (including study roomes and restrooms).  Make sure users exit through the emergency stairwells and NOT through the elevator or central stairs.
  2. Assist any disabled users in reaching the landing in an emergency stairwell.  Make sure that a staff member stays with disabled users in the stairwell until fire personnel arrive to move them out of the building.  DO NOT ATTEMPT TO MOVE DISABLED USERS OUT OF THE BUILDING.
  3. Make sure that all doors are closed.
  4. Designate a person to check with all other staff to make sure that the floor has been cleared.  If you are not staying with a disabled person, exit to the parking lot at the rear of the building with other staff and public.
  5. Ensure that no one re-enters the building until an announcement that it is safe to do so has been made.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

updated sample ballots

Nancy Evans with the Board of Elections has notified us that there is a mistake in our sample ballots.  Corrected sample ballots are being printed.  Please continue to make the ones we have available until the new ones are received.  When you receive new sample ballots, please put any old ones you have on hand in recycling.

-From Melody

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

materials request policy change

We are now accepting materials requests for up to 6 months after an item's publish/release date.  We will accept pre-pub materials requests for up to 3 months prior to an item's publish/release date.

-from Melody

hunger games programs 09/30 - 10/06

The following are Hunger Games programs coming up soon (library events are in bold)...

09/30 | Corn maze @ Patterson Farms (runs from 09/15 - 10/07)
10/02 | Cake decorating @ RCCC, Rm 115, NC Research Campus
10/02 | 6:30 pm, Movie Night @ HQ, In Time (PG13)

10/04 | 12:30 pm, Book discussion @ HQ (drink & dessert provided)
10/06 | 2:00 pm, Discussion panel of film extras @ Gem Theatre (Kannapolis)

Please help spread the word!

Thursday, September 20, 2012

company credit cards

Rowan County Finance Department will be cancelling all company credit cards except for gas cards.  If you need supplies please contact the following:
  • Headquarters – Genia Goldston or Pam Nance
  • South – Suzanne White
  • East – Paul Birkhead
If you have any questions please contact your immediate supervisor.
-from Pam N.

hunger games programs 09/22 - 09/29

The following are Hunger Games programs coming up soon (library events are in bold)...

09/20 | Corn maze @ Patterson Farms (runs from 09/15 - 10/07)
09/22 | 3:00 pm - Guinness World Record Challenge @ Village Park, Kannapolis

09/24 | 5:30 pm - Teen program @ East
09/25 | 12:00 pm - Are you for Real?! Lecture @ RCCC, South Campus
09/25 | 5:30 pm - Teen program @ HQ
09/25 | 6:30 pm - Catching Fire book discussion @ South
09/27 | 12:00 pm - Are you for Real?! Lecture @ RCCC, North Campus
09/29 | 10:30 am - Archery Demonstration @ Rowan Wildlife Association

Please help spread the word!

booklist website

Check out the booklist website -- they have great blogs for reader's advisory.  If you need an idea for a Library Notes column, or want to let a patron know what to read next, this is a great resource.

-from Melody

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

free basic computer skills class

The Salisbury Parks and Recreation Department is offering a free Basic Computer Skills class from 09/06 - 12/20.  Classes will be held on Thursdays from 5:30 - 6:00 pm at the Miller Center, 1402 W. Bank Street, 704-638-5297.

Monday, September 17, 2012

contact info for after-hours computer issues

Please call Telecom Dispatch at 704-216-8500 when you have an after-hours computer issue.  Details from Thomas Roemer are below:

Calling into the Telecom center gives added value:
-    Telco acts as central contact and continues to page.
-    Page message to tech actually has text details of issue.
-    It generates an email that goes to additional staff in case the pager malfunctions, dead battery or is out of range (which is rare).

Thursday, September 13, 2012

early voting at the library

'Tis the season for...early voting!

Voting will start at this location on Thursday, October 18, 2012
Voting will end at this location on Saturday, November 3, 2012
-- 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Monday-Friday / October 18, 2012 November 2, 2012
-- 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday / November 3, 2012

Voting will start at this location on Wednesday, October 24, 2012
Voting will end at this location on Friday, November 2, 2012
-- 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday-Wednesday
-- 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday
-- 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday, October 27, 2012

Voting will start at this location on Thursday, October 25, 2012
Voting will end at this location on Friday, November 2, 2012
-- 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. Monday-Wednesday
-- 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Thursday & Friday
-- 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Saturday, October 27, 2012
-- Closed on Sundays

Here is a complete list of early voting sites in the county.  Refer questions to 704-216-8140.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

issuing guest passes when computers are down

The servers were down this past Monday which meant that none of our staff (with the exception of circ) could sign on to the computer.  Our labs were fully functioning, though, which created a problem.  We had people wanting to get guest passes and no way to issue them.  We did find a creative solution, which I'd like to share with you guys in case it happens again:
  • There are three "dummy" cards in the top drawer of my (April's) desk that we used to sign on guests who needed to print (they needed a number associated with them to release print jobs)
  • We signed on non-printing guests by overriding the PC Res on the computers.  To do this, you hold down the Ctrl key and click the computer icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.  In the bottom-center of the screen, you will be prompted to enter the override password (same as Print Release and Circ override codes).  Then you will confirm that you are logging on as a super user. 
  • Super users do not have a time limit, so we recorded the patron's name, computer number, and the time we signed them on on the guest pass log.
Hopefully this won't happen again, but I don't think any of us are naive enough to believe that it won't!  :)

Monday, September 10, 2012

photowalk 1 to 100 slideshow

Here are the photos from our first Photowalk event at the library.  We have some very talented patrons among us!

Thursday, September 6, 2012

september computer class

Paul will be doing another geneaology class this month:

Genealogy Online - Working with Census Records
Mon., Sept. 17, 7-8:30 pm @ South
Tues., Sept. 18, 1-2:30 pm @ East
Thurs., Sept. 20, 9:30-11 am @ HQ

Help spread the word!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

hunger games programs 09/10-09/15

The following are Hunger Games programs coming up next week...

09/11 | 5:30 pm - Teen Program @ South
09/14 | Writing, Bookmark, Costume Design, and Short Film contest entries due
09/15 | Corn Maze @ Patterson Farms (runs from 09/15 - 10/07)

Please help spread the word!

banning patrons

If you ban or restrict computer usage for a patron, be sure to make a note in his/her patron record AND let security and management know--that way we're all on the same page and we'll be consistent if the patron tries to go to another branch.

Thursday, August 23, 2012

responding to prisoner requests

From Melody:

We received a request for information from a prisoner in PA this week.  (These are usually from NC; this is the first one I recall from an out of state prisoner.)

We used to receive these more often.  I contacted Raleigh and was advised to respond to these with a letter instructing the inmate to contact his case manager for the information.

I drafted a letter to be used to respond.

You need only add the inmate's name and address and mail, returning the inmate's letter of request with our letter.

A copy of the letter is attached and a copy is also available in the "Information Division" folder in Common.

study room policy update

Three study rooms are located on the second floor at Headquarters.  The primary use of these rooms is tutoring and group study.  An additional room, designated for use only by Rowan County Literacy Council tutors, is located to the right of the Fulton Street entrance on the first floor of the library.

1.   Reserve rooms on the calendar at the Information Desk up to one month in advance.

2.   Ask the library user to sign in with the date, time, and name on the study room form.

3.   Limit the use of the room to 2 hours if someone is waiting to use the room.