Friday, December 28, 2012

downloading from NCDigital

While most of the changes on NCDigital Library are intuitive, our patrons have managed to find one that is most certainly NOT.  They have simplified the checkout process, but there's one last step that is easy to overlook.

Once you find a title, click on the "Borrow" button.

Then Click on "Go to Bookshelf".  Here's where it gets confusing...

To actually download the title for my iPod, I have to click "Other format(s)" and choose Adobe ePub, even though I limited my search to only ebooks with that format.  You must select your format (even if it's the only option on the menu) before it will allow you to download.

A window pops up asking you to confirm your format.  Once you choose confirm, you will then be able to download to your device.