Friday, December 28, 2012

where did all my programs go?

Some of you may have noticed that when you log in to your Citrix machine, all of your icons are not automatically appearing.  You actually have to log in a second time in the Citrix plug-in window (pictured below).

If you don't enter your log in info right away, the Citrix plug-in window will disappear.  Not to worry!  If that happens, simply right-click on the Citrix icon in the bottom-right corner of the screen.

Select "Log On" from the menu and enter your username and password when prompted.

All the program icons should now appear.  Notice that the gray Citrix icon is blue.

downloading from NCDigital

While most of the changes on NCDigital Library are intuitive, our patrons have managed to find one that is most certainly NOT.  They have simplified the checkout process, but there's one last step that is easy to overlook.

Once you find a title, click on the "Borrow" button.

Then Click on "Go to Bookshelf".  Here's where it gets confusing...

To actually download the title for my iPod, I have to click "Other format(s)" and choose Adobe ePub, even though I limited my search to only ebooks with that format.  You must select your format (even if it's the only option on the menu) before it will allow you to download.

A window pops up asking you to confirm your format.  Once you choose confirm, you will then be able to download to your device.

Thursday, December 27, 2012

opening attachments in Webmail

It looks like a recent Windows Security Update has created extra security, which causes problems when trying to open attachments in your e-mail.  Here is the best way to allow attachments to save in the proper format with Web Outlook.  This is a one time setting change according to Thomas R:
In your internet browser, get to your Webmail login page.   In the top, righthand corner of the screen, click on Tools > Internet Options > Security.  Click "Trusted Sites" and then on the "Sites" button (circled in red above).

The Webmail sign in address should appear.  Click "Add" to add this site to the list of trusted sites. 

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

chrome plug-in update from IT

I spoke with Thomas R. and he said that IT will not be able to install the "chrome plug-in" that is needed to make NC Digital Library function properly while using the Internet Explorer browser. 

So for now, please use Mozilla Firefox to view NC Digital Library.  To get to Firefox, go to the Start menu, then Programs, then Mozilla Firefox.  You can always drag Mozilla Firefox (1) to your quick lanch bar (2), or to your desktop (3) to create shortcuts.

Monday, December 17, 2012

for all the sci-fi lovers

The primary goal of the Encyclopedia of Science Fiction and the Encyclopedia of Fantasy is to "provide a comprehensive, scholarly, and critical guide to science fiction in all its forms" (About Us).  I recently discovered that these guides are fully searchable and available online for free.  Click the hyperlinks above to search these encyclopedias for info on books, movies, TV shows, and more.

Monday, December 10, 2012

check out what's new with overdrive

There are big changes coming to the NC Digital Library.  Notice how they have already made the interface more intuitive by replacing jargon like "NCDL bookbag" with terms that are a bit more familiar ("bookshelf" and "holds").  There are lots of new features including one-step checkout.  Take a look at this video for a short overview of the changes.  

*Please use Mozilla Firefox (Start > Programs > Mozilla Firefox) when visiting NCDL to avoid "Install Chrome Plug-in" message until IT is able to install this plug-in for Internet Explorer. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

wireless printing

Just a reminder--  Patrons can print from the library's laptops (follow the same steps as printing from computers in the lab).  We are not currently set up to allow wireless printing from personal laptops and devices.

receipt printer troubleshooting guide

***Please note that these instructions have been revised to accommodate the new receipt layout.***


1. Log out of TLC Circulation.
2. Go to the “Start” menu and click on “Settings” and then “Printers and Faxes”.  Make sure that the EPSON receipt printer is listed, hover over it with your mouse, and check to make sure its status is “ready”.  DO NOT set this as default printer or make any changes; just make sure that it’s showing up as one of your available printers.
3. Log in to TLC Circulation again.
4. Click on “Printers” under the “Setup” menu (bottom left corner of window).
5. Under “Installed Printer”, click the down-arrow and choose the EPSON receipt printer from the list (it’s usually toward the bottom).
6. Click check boxes next to each of the Margin settings, and check “Has Automatic Cutter” also.  Click the “Save” button.
7. Under the “Setup” menu, click on “Slips”.
8. Select the drop-down arrow and choose each type of slips you might need to print (Arrived Request, Checkout, Messages, Routing, etc.)
9. You will need to select the EPSON receipt printer under the “Print To” drop-down menu for each type of slip.  Make sure the “Print at This Workstation” box is checked.
10. Click “Save” and test it out by printing a message or checking out a test book to yourself.