Thursday, June 7, 2018

Upcoming Summer Reading Programs

Get set, ready, and begin recording your books on READsquared! All staff are encouraged to participate during Summer Reading. Get your entire family involved and spend time together reading. There will be weekly programs for youth ages birth to 12th grades.

Feel free to enjoy yourself at the Adult programs scheduled during the summer. Line and swing dancing will be taught by local dance instructors. If you like guitars or are interested in learning how to play, come on out and start picking during our "Guitar Instruction" program with Eric Upton from the Oasis School of Music in China Grove.

All Bluegrass lovers will enjoy a presentation by local musician Vivian Hopkins of Gold Hill. She is currently the president of the North Carolina Bluegrass Association and has a huge following of listeners across the state.

These are just a few things happening at the library soon! Be sure to join in and get ready to ROCK!

Get registered  for Summer Reading here: