Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Pacific Library Partnership Conference Videos: Beer-Brewing and Geo-Caching

The Pacific Library Partnership Conference has several videos with movers and shakers talking about their proposals for the future of public libraries. There are ideas for community partnerships, programming for kids and adults, and some interesting  ways to engage the community.

And international consortium called the Open Library of Humanities (OHL) launched, providing open access to seven academic journals, and hopefully more soon. Currently they have journals on topics such as Irish poetry, Comics Scholarship, and Asian studies. From their site:
                "The Open Library of Humanities (OLH) is a charitable organisation dedicated to publishing open access scholarship with no author-facing article processing charges (APCs). We are funded by an international consortium of libraries who have joined us in our mission to make scholarly publishing fairer, more accessible, and rigorously preserved for the digital future."