Friday, June 26, 2015

Credit Card Charges

Just a quick reminder when filling out credit card slips:

Make sure the slip is taped to the bottom of the credit card receipt and that the signature if visible.
Don’t forget to enter the charges into the computer.
Whenever possible, use the patron’s library card for the charges and put that number on the slip.

Remember to initial the slip.

We mostly deal with the fees and friends lines, but here is a breakdown of the types of charges:

Fines: overdue fees already on the patrons card
Fees: Faxes, copies, flashdrives, earbuds, etc…
Friends: Booksale, Beverages, and baskets
Lost: When the cost of a lost book is paid in full
Donation: will come in handy if they need a $2.00 min and have $1.80 in copies and don’t want to purchase a beverage.

When taking $1.00 for a patron to use the computer, always take the money from the overdue fine first.  Try to only take it from the cost of a lost item if there is nothing else to pull from.

Always break down the charges to the separate areas on the slip.  These need to be compared to the fines summary report sent to Pam in the morning and need to match up.