In an effort to clarify what is and what is not a reference question we give you the following examples. All locations should be differentiating between reference and technology questions:
Example 1. If you help patrons set up equipment in the meeting room for presentations using power point or video streaming. That should be counted as a technology reference question.
Example 2. If you are in the stacks and a patron asks you for help finding an author and you take them to that author section then suggest other similar authors, that is a reference question.
Example 3. If they ask you were the nearest anything outside our grounds is and you show them on a map or give them specific directions to give them a phone number, that is a reference transaction.
Example 4. Patron needs help setting up email, getting on NC Jobs, responding to another job offer basic holding their hand off and on for 30 to 45 minutes. You count two technology questions (set up email and getting on nc jobs) and two career job reference questions (nc jobs and finding the tax form on their job site). You should have a total of four ticks.
Example 5. Patron requests information on the history of the Middle East. You provide in house book resources ( reference) and show them NCLive ( technology reference- you are showing them how to navigate a resource only available online). You would have a total of two ticks for that transaction.
It is important for you to record these transactions accurately as possible. If you have any questions please direct them to your supervisor. Thank you.