Friday, July 5, 2013

resource of the week: snappy comebacks

This week's resource of the week!  In light of the recent budget memo indicating the Parks and Libraries could be on the chopping block next year, it's helpful for us to have a few comebacks in our pocket to defend libraries.  In a recent blog post Don't Get Caught Without a Comeback, Kathy Dempsey shares a number of useful tips and witty comebacks, and also references ALA's List of Quotable Facts About American Libraries, which has a few gems like:

Did you know there are more public libraries in the U.S. than there are McDonald’s

Americans spend nearly three times as much on candy as they do on public libraries.

Americans check out more than eight books a year, on average.  They spend $35.81 a year for the public library--about the average cost of one hardcover book.