Friday, April 26, 2013

resource of the week: occupational handbook

Whether you're still trying to figure out what you want to be when you grow up, or if the decisions you've made were good ones, the Occupational Outlook Handbook is the resource for you!  Search for the highest paying, fastest growing jobs, or find the career of your choice and learn about educational requirements, salary ranges, job outlook, and more.

Thursday, April 25, 2013

summer reading challenge

The reading list for the Rowan County Summer Reading Challenge 2013 is:

 Salvation: A Story of Survival by Kurt Corriher (4 copies)
The Next Time You See Me by Holly Goddard Jones (6 copies)
Once Upon a River by Bonnie Jo Campbell (3 copies)

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

material request/ILL procedures

Please send completed Material Request Forms to the appropriate selectors:
  • Adult Non-Fiction:  Rebecca (HQ)
  • Adult & YA Fiction:  Marissa (South)
  • Adult & YA DVD/CDs:  Melody (HQ)
  • Children's Books/DVDs/CDs:  Erika (HQ)
  • ILL:  Vanessa (HQ)
When in doubt about ILL, send it to the selector who buys in that area and she can make the determination to buy or ILL the item.

Friday, April 19, 2013

resource of the week: points of view

Chances are if you've ever taken an English class, you've had to write an argumentative paper.  For those of us who find it hard to pick a side and stick with it, a database like Points of View Reference Center would've been really helpful.  Points of View takes hot topics like abortion, childhood obesity, and gun control, and presents points and counterpoints to each side.  All essays come with a bibliography, which can be a good place to start digging for more info on the topic.

Friday, April 12, 2013

resource of the week: american poetry

In celebration of National Poetry Month, the resource of the week is Proquest's American Poetry, which can be accessed through NCLive.  This database features African American, American, and English poetry spanning from the 1700s all the way up to present day.  You can search by keyword, title, poet, or even by the first line of the poem.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

staff meeting

Mark your calendars for the staff meeting on Thursday at 8:30 am.  Thanks!

Friday, April 5, 2013

resource of the week: thesis builder

Our high school and college students are counting down the days until summer break, but they still have a few papers to write between now and then.  A great online tool for coming up with that pesky thesis statement is the Tom March Thesis Builder.  Thanks to Chip Gobble for sharing this great - FREE - resource!

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

where did all my programs go (UPDATED)

If you log in to Citrix and notice that only half of your programs are showing up, here's the new way to refresh your desktop (an updated version of this previous tutorial):

Step 1:  Locate your "Citrix Receiver" icon in the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 2:  Right click on the icon and select "About" from the menu.

Step 3:  In the window that pops up, click the down-arrow next to "Advanced"and choose "Online Plug-in Settings".

Step 4:  Select "Refresh Applications" from the menu.

Hopefully all of your icons will pop up on the desktop again.

salisbury post online

All library locations have free digital access to the Salisbury Post, anyone should be able to access it from the computer labs, staff computers, or over our wifi network without being asked to sign up for a subscription.

Monday, April 1, 2013

cafe at HQ

From Melody--

Please note that the charge for a cup of hot water is $1 whether the customer uses our tea bags or their tea bags (or hot chocolate).  We had this come up recently --the patron paid ten cents for the cup and water and then used their tea bag, our creamer, sugar, etc.